Ever wondered why we meticulously plan our business lives but give our personal lives the back seat? We are so busy with work that it leaves no time to stop and plan our personal life.

In this video, I’m diving into a simple yet transformative quarterly process that’ll give your personal life the attention it truly deserves.
I’m currently enjoying Nelson Bay, with the soothing One Mile Beach right behind me. We’re on our annual pre-Christmas retreat with friends—glamping style this time. Yep, we’ve upgraded from camping. Beds in tents, drinks by the beach, and BBQ evenings—it’s one of the highlights of our year.

Speaking of highlights, I had a recent session with a bunch of leaders from a global organization. We usually dive deep into business compass plans every quarter, but this time I threw a curveball—“How about a personal compass plan?” Most hadn’t given it much thought. They hadn’t given their personal lives the same planning love they shower on their professional endeavors.
So, I changed the session and suggested a really simple process. Take 15 minutes each quarter to identify 2-3 priorities that will rock your personal world.

So, here’s the process:
1. Write It Down: Grab a pen and paper, jot down your priorities with straightforward names—Priority #1, Priority #2, Priority #3. To identify your priorities, ask yourself what are the two to three things that if you focus on this quarter will have the biggest impact long term on your life.
2. Clarify: For each priority, jot down a few bullet points. What does it mean to you? What’s the essence of that priority?
3. Define Success: Picture yourself at the end of the quarter. What does success look like for each of these priorities?
4. Protect Your Time: Here’s the crucial one. How much time do you need to safeguard every week to ensure these priorities thrive?
In Nelson Bay, one of my priorities is “Quality time with family and an amazing holiday.” Clarified with bullet points, one of them being “Nelson Bay.” Success? Creating life-lasting memories, and the buzz from everyone saying they want to do it again next year.
It’s a straightforward process that makes a world of difference. Take those 15 minutes, jot down your big rocks, clarify, envision success, and protect your time. Simple, yet profoundly effective.
This is this week’s Work Smarter: Live Better tip.
So, my question for you is this: Are you clear on your big rocks? Have you taken that 15 minutes to put them on a piece of paper and clarifying them for the upcoming quarter?
Wishing you an amazing holiday season—whether you’re soaking up the summer vibes or cozying up in winter. Here’s to a fantastic 2024!
See you soon!
A bientôt,