about us

Transform the way you work. Transform the way you live.

We envision a world where hard work has been replaced by a rich life at work and at home.

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Why Work Smarter: Live Better

Bonjour, I’m Cyril. In short, my team and I help transform people’s lives by changing their work habits.

As you will guess from my accent if we meet, I am originally from France. In 2001 my wife and I emigrated to Australia. So, this makes me half French half Australian. I support the French team when it comes to football, but I am a big fan of Australia when it comes to the beauty of its outdoors and the friendliness of the people.

In France I worked for a few large corporations. I was lucky to get promoted quickly and became a senior manager in my early thirties. I still remember the day I got the job. I was so proud and so excited. Unstoppable. Then it hit me. I was part of the leadership team and involved in many meetings. I was getting more and more emails every month. And I had a team of 15 people. I got completely swamped. I was getting busier and busier, working harder and harder, and not enjoying it.

This planted a seed which led to 2006 when I launched Work Smarter: Live Better. From the outset many people think this is about clean desk (or desktop), zero inbox, ways to manage your tasks, time and meetings, and better prioritisation. It is and it’s not. Of course, we challenge people around all these and more. But the real focus is about living A RICH LIFE, both at work and home. By changing your work habits, you will transform your life.

It has transformed my life and the life of so many people my team and I had the pleasure and privilege to work with. That’s why I am so passionate about it. That’s why I love why I do.

Having said that, I am far from being perfect. I am a constant work in progress as my wife would say. For my 50th birthday she and my close friends offered me a book called ‘Work Smarter: Live Better - the alternative version’…. This book is not for sale…

Here's what people say about us

I didn’t realise the impact of my work on my stress levels. Since working with Cyril Peupion I am less stressed. I sleep at night. He changed my life!


Head of investment sourcing, St George Wealth Management

The great thing about WSLB is that it gives you clear steps that you can take immediately to operate at your best ... The toolkits that you’re given are really simple, and easy to implement.

Russell Parker

CEO of Melrose

Most rewarding is the personal time I have now built into my working week that ensures I spend quality time with my family.


Head of Sales & Service, NRMA, SGIO & SGIC - IAG

our services

our events and trainings

training program

Leaders Intensive

A hands-on journey with the leadership team to transform their life by changing their work habits.

training program

Team Rollout

With the help of your WSLB champions, the team training brings your entire staff up to full speed!

standalone event


A fun and engaging single session where everyone will walk away with two to three very practical things they can apply straight away.

standalone event


A high energy speech to inspire large group to change their ways of working.

Our Mission

To empower leaders to thrive at work & in life.

Our Vision

A world where hard work has been replaced by a rich life at work and home.

Our Core Values

Passionate to make a difference

Live every day as the last with energy, passion and fun. Be passionate to make a difference, to change the live of the people you interact with. Have fun, life is too short to be boring.

Continuously thriving to improve

We are not perfect, and we will never be. But we thrive to continuously improve. Let’s be curious, creative, proactive and open to feedback & ideas. Let’s constantly improve our solutions with new ideas. We will make mistakes, plenty, and learn from them.

Trustworthy, we do what we say

Trust brings flow, speed and results. Our first focus is to bring value and change lives. This starts by creating strong trust and engagement with people internally and externally. Start with the why and not the how. We act in accordance with our values and beliefs, and do not hesitate to walk away.