Let me tell you about a fascinating study by Sheena Iyengar, a professor at Columbia University. Sheena set up two groups to test how people make choices. The first group was given a small selection: just six jams to choose from. The second group had a whopping 24 jams to pick from.

Now, you’d think the group with more options would buy more jam, right? After all, they’ve got a better chance of finding a flavour they love.
But that’s not what happened. The group with fewer options — just six jams — was ten times more likely to buy.

In this video, I want to share three simple steps that can impact your performance and your enjoyment.
I see leaders standing in front of their metaphorical 24 jams all the time.

They’re juggling a million priorities, looking at endless to-do lists, and wondering how on earth are they supposed to get it all done. It’s overwhelming, paralysing even. And more often than not, they end up reacting to what’s most urgent rather than focusing on what really matters.
To break out of the overwhelm, you don’t need more time — you need less. Fewer priorities, fewer tasks, fewer distractions. Here are three simple ways to avoid “Jam Overload”:
1. Limit Your Priorities. At the start of each quarter, I sit down and look at all the things I’d like to achieve. And then, on purpose, I narrow it down to just 2–3 key priorities for the quarter. That’s it. No more.
Why? Because focusing on fewer things means you’ll actually get them done — and done well.
2. Limit Your Tasks. Every week, I review my task list. And, yes, it’s always way too long. But the most important part of my planning process is deciding what not to do.
I make it a point to limit the number of tasks I tackle each week. It’s not about cramming more in — it’s about giving myself the space to do what matters most.
3. Limit Your Distractions. We’ve all been there: you sit down to work, and before you know it, you’re knee-deep in emails, notifications, or some random rabbit hole of “research.”
The key here is deep focus. Create boundaries. Turn off notifications. Close unnecessary tabs. Give yourself the chance to actually work on what you’ve planned.
When you limit your priorities, tasks, and distractions, something incredible happens. You start making real progress on the things that truly matter.
And as a bonus? You’ll feel less stressed and more satisfied with your work. It’s a win-win.
So, my question to you is: When you look at your workload, do you feel like group 2, staring at 24 jams, overwhelmed by all the choices? Or do you feel more like group 1, with just a few options, clear and focused?
If you’re feeling like group 2, maybe it’s time to simplify.
This is this week’s Work Smarter: Live Better tip.
Enjoy your day — and your jams!
A bientôt,