I dreamt about it, I planned it, I organised it, and when it finally happened, it was incredible…
Except for the part with the four-metre tiger shark.

In this video, I want to share three simple steps to help turn your dreams into reality.
In my work with leaders from around the world, I see a common pattern. Many are deeply passionate about what they do and pour endless hours into their work. While they often manage to carve out time for their families (not always, but often enough), their hobbies and passions — and even their health — usually take a backseat. Sound familiar?

This reminds me of something that’s stuck with me for years. In 2009, Australian palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware published a blog post that went viral: The Regrets of the Dying. In it, she shared the top regrets of people on their deathbeds. Her post resonated with millions, and eventually, it turned into a book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.

Do you know what the biggest regret was? It wasn’t about working fewer hours or making more money. It was about not honouring their dreams. Many of Ware’s patients said they hadn’t achieved even half of the things they’d always wanted to do — not because they couldn’t, but because they didn’t make the choice to pursue them.
That hit me hard. For years, I had a dream of doing a blue water spearfishing trip in the Coral Sea. I’m passionate about spearfishing and regularly go in Sydney’s waters, but this was different. This was THE trip — the dream of a lifetime. And yet, year after year, I kept putting it off.
Until finally, I decided to follow these three simple steps:
Dream Yearly, Think Quarterly, Plan Weekly.
Dream Yearly
At the start of each year, TK and I sit down with a pen and paper (and a good dinner) to think about what we want to achieve in the year ahead. This isn’t just about work goals; it’s about the things that really matter to us — family, hobbies, health, and passions. Last year, I put my dream trip on the list, and TK couldn’t have been more supportive.
Think Quarterly
Every quarter, I revisit my priorities and choose two or three things to focus on. Planning this trip became a priority. It wasn’t something I could do on a whim — it required research, preparation, and finding the right organisation to make it happen.
Plan Weekly
Each week, I set aside time for small steps toward my big goal. It didn’t take hours of work, just a few minutes here and there to move the needle — organising logistics, gathering the right gear, and mentally preparing for the adventure.
And finally, it happened.
I flew to Gladstone, a small town nestled between Brisbane and Cairns. From there, I hopped on a boat that took us 450km offshore, to a remote area called Wreck Reef. It was spectacular — crystal-clear blue water with 50 metres of visibility, vibrant coral, schools of fish, and yes, plenty of sharks.

It was nine days of pure magic, a once-in-a-lifetime experience I’ll never forget (even with that curious tiger shark dropping by to say Hello – here is a little video from my friend, Anton, who’s with me in the water at that time).
So, my questions to you are: Is it worth spending time to dream yearly, think quarterly, and plan weekly? Is it worth asking yourself every year: What do I really want to achieve? Is it worth revisiting your personal priorities each quarter and taking small, consistent actions each week to bring them to life?
This is this week’s Work Smarter: Live Better tip There’s nothing more important than prioritising what matters most to you — your family, your health, and your passions.
I hope this inspires you to start making your dreams happen.
Wishing you a lovely day!
A bientôt,