Hi this is Cyril from work Smarter: Live Better.
In this video, I want to share with you one simple advice that can save your time but also save your sanity in the crazy day that we have sometimes full of meetings.
One of the complaints I hear very often from managers is about meetings. Or about the fact that their day is full of meetings, back to back. Many managers have the feeling that they’re running from one meeting to another one. And it’s just like the whole day is absolutely crazy. And it’s nearly impossible to manage it well because if you have a meeting finishing at eleven and you have another one starting at eleven, it’s nearly impossible and especially if they’re not even in the same room, sometimes not even in the same floor. So, almost impossible.
On top of that, not only you’re running hard but also you have no time for anything else. No time to take a little phone call, to talk to someone. Absolutely crazy.
So, I have a little suggestion on this one: Fight the one hour default. We always think of meetings about the one hour default. Well, why? There is a lot of things that you can do in another different timing than an hour. So I suggest 45 minutes. I suggest 15 or 20 minutes meeting. Rather than having a one hour default, why won’t have this meeting in 45? I can guarantee, most meeting that you think in an hour can be done in 45 if you clear from the start about the timing. It’ll give you 15 minutes to breathe.
I’m working at the moment around the world with a big international company. Their managers are crazy. They’re travelling around the world, they’re moving everywhere and so, on the meeting, we suggest this, just to move to the 45 minutes default or the 15-20 minutes default. Just this, made a huge difference. They loved it, they adopted it and it’s really working very well.
This is this week’s Work Smarter: Live Better tip. Hope you enjoy it. If you have any ideas about how you manage your meeting, what makes you manage your meetings better, please leave a tip below and let’s continue the conversation.
You have a lovely day. I’ll speak to you soon.