Today, I want to share a story about a leader, a high performer and a high potential in his business.

But there was a big “but” hanging over his head. He was juggling so much that he felt like he was barely keeping his head above water. Late nights at the office, stressed-out team members, and a home life that was feeling the strain — you name it, he was feeling it

Bonjour, in this video, I want to share a few simple suggestions that could help you regain control and create a more sustainable, fulfilling work-life balance.
Right now, I’m in Coffs Harbour, a slice of paradise about 500 kilometers north of Sydney. I’m here with Ange and we are having a little stroll on a beautiful golf course. Ange is the General Manager Talent for one of the biggest retail companies in Australia with around 15,000 people. She’s invited me to chat with some of her top leaders, and I couldn’t be more excited.
A few years back, Ange reached out to me about a leader in her organization who was drowning in stress. We were chatting about it on a plane ride, and that’s when the term “quiet quitting” popped up. Ever heard of it? It’s when employees go through the motions without real engagement — just doing the bare minimum, day in and day out. According to a Gallup report from 2023, it’s a more common phenomenon than you might think, with six out of 10 employees falling into this category. Scary stuff, right?

Now, here’s the kicker: many leaders are grappling with too many priorities. When everything’s a priority, nothing is. Add in conflicting demands from multiple stakeholders, and it’s a recipe for overwhelm. That’s where my three pieces of advice come into play: clarify, support, and protect.
Go back to basics. Sit down and identify the top two or three priorities — both at work and personal life. If everything is important, nothing is. It’s about focusing on what truly matters.
Next up, gaining buy-in. Have a frank discussion with stakeholders to align on these priorities and secure their support. They have to understand that to succeed, they needed to shield you from unnecessary distractions and agree on what could take a backseat.
Lastly, boundaries were crucial. Craft a a plan to protect your personal time, carve out space for strategic thinking or what I call Big Rocks, and ring-fence time for your team. It’s about safeguarding what’s important amidst the chaos.
The results were nothing short of remarkable. There was a conscious shift in how he approached work, how he engaged with his team, and, most importantly, how he spent time with his family. It wasn’t just a transformation at work; it was a transformation at home too.
So, my questions for you is this: Do you take the time to clarify your top priorities, both personally and professionally? Do you have the support of your leaders and stakeholders in pursuing these priorities? And most importantly, do you proactively protect what’s important to you?
This is this week’s Work Smarter: Live Better tip.
Wishing you a lovely day.
A bientôt,